The Story of
St Anthony . . . . . .
St Anthony was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1195, to a noble family
and was called Ferdinand. His wealthy family wanted him also to
be a great nobleman, but for the sake of Christ he became a poor
When he was fifteen he joined the Augustinian Order. Just after
being ordained, he met the first Franciscans from Assisi. Deeply
impressed by the heroism of these friars, he decided to join the
Franciscans and went to Morocco, changing his name to Anthony.
When he became ill he returned home to Portugal, but on the way
his ship was blown off course in a hurricane and landed in Sicily.
Some time later he went to Assisi where he met Saint Francis.
From there he was sent to the hermitage of Monte Paolo where he
worked and prayed. At an ordination ceremony Anthony delivered
a sermon which amazed his audience.
For the rest of his life, preaching, more than anything else,
was his work. During his preachings in Padua, Anthony was outspoken
against the charging of excessive interest on loans of money which
was a predominant vice in that area.
When poor people could not meet the exorbitant demands of the
moneylenders they were thrown into prison. By preaching Christian
charity, Anthony was able to curb the vicious practice. He worked
for the poor, the oppressed and those most in need of charity
and justice for the rest of his short life.
He died in Arcella on 13th June 1231. Only 11 months later, on
30th May 1232, Anthony was canonized by Pope Gregory IX. He was
declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XII in 1946.
Novena to
St Anthony
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,
and in our hearts take up thy rest;
Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid, to fill the hearts that
Thou has made.
St Anthony, powerful in word and work
. . . Grant us what we ask of thee
St Anthony, our patron and advocate
. . . Grant us what we ask of thee
St Anthony, attentive to those who invoke thee
. . . Grant us what we ask of thee
St Anthony, whom the Infant Jesus so much loved
. . . Grant us what we ask of thee
For our Holy Father, Pope Benedict
. . . Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory be to the Father...
For our special intentions, our sick and our friends, living and
. . . Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory be to the Father...
O holy St Anthony, gentlest of saints, your love for God and charity
for your neighbour made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous
powers. Miracles waited on your word which you were ever ready
to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.
Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me
my request (mention it here). The answer to my prayer may
require a miracle; even so you are the saint of miracles.
O, gentle and loving St Anthony, whose heart was ever full of
human sympathy, whisper my prayer into the ears of the sweet Infant
Jesus, who loved to linger in your arms and the gratitude of my
heart will ever be yours. Amen
St Anthony's Blessing
given to him by St Francis
May the Lord bless you and take you into his keeping;
May He show you His countenance; and take pity on you;
May He turn His eyes towards you and give you His peace.
Additional Prayers
to St Anthony
O God, our good and merciful Father, who chose Saint Anthony as a witness
to the Gospel and a messenger of peace among your people, hear the
prayer that we send to you through the Saint's intercession. Sanctify
our families, and help them grow in faith. May our homes be blessed
with unity, peace and serenity.
Bless our children and protect our young. Lend your help to those
who are afflicted by sickness, suffering or solitude. Help us face
our everyday trials by giving us your love. Through Christ, Our Lord,
Remember, O Saint of Miracles, that
you have never failed to help and to console anyone who has ever
sought you in his need. I, too, come to thee who are so rich in
graces and who are the favoured friend of the Infant Jesus, conifdent
that I do not pray in vain. Eloquent preacher of the infinite mercy
of God, refuse not my prayer, but take my petition before the throne
of God, so that I may have help and strength in my present trial
and necessity. Listen, together with my voice, to that of your Little
Friars and little Orphans who ask you a grace for me. Amen